• Hashes a provided key with a seed using the MurmurHash3 algorithm yielding a 32-bit hash.


    • key: ArrayBufferLike

      The key to hash

    • seed: number

      The seed to use to hash

    Returns Buffer

    The hash in a Buffer containing a single unsigned 32-bit integer in big-endian format (UInt32BE)

    import { MurmurHash3 } from 'murmurhash-wasm';

    const key = Buffer.from('hello');
    const seed = 0;

    const hash = MurmurHash3.hash32(key, seed);

    const hex = hash.toString('hex');
    // '5844da46'
    const value = hash.readUInt32BE();
    // 1480907334
  • Hashes a provided key with a seed using the MurmurHash3 algorithm yielding a 32-bit hash. The key will be converted to a Buffer using Buffer.from().


    • key: string

      The key to hash

    • seed: number

      The seed to use to hash

    Returns Buffer

    The hash in a Buffer containing a single unsigned 32-bit integer in big-endian format (UInt32BE)

    import { MurmurHash3 } from 'murmurhash-wasm';

    const key = 'hello';
    const seed = 0;

    const hash = MurmurHash3.hash32(key, seed);

    const hex = hash.toString('hex');
    // '5844da46'
    const value = hash.readUInt32BE();
    // 1480907334